Although your heater is primarily responsible for heating the air in your home, it’s also a huge component of your indoor air quality. Since your heater filters your air of harmful particles, it’s important that your heating system is operating properly and efficiently all the time.
Here at Air Tech of Houston AC & Plumbing, we’re always looking out for our customers. Our heater installation services are meant to serve you, and that’s why we keep a close eye on heater failure symptoms in your home. When your air quality starts to suffer, your heater might be on its last legs. Look out for any of the symptoms mentioned below, and give us a call when you need us!
Visible Signs Of Dust
When your heater isn’t filtering effectively anymore, the particles meant to be removed from your air can make their way back into your home. One of the easiest signs to spot is dust accumulating in your home. Do you have to dust more often than you used to? Can you see streaks of dust around the air registers? Your air filtration system isn’t doing its job if excess dust is invading your home.
Severe Indoor Allergies
Texas is well known for its lengthy and varied allergy seasons. When pollens and plant materials float through the air, your HVAC system should catch a lot of the debris. If you are affected by seasonal allergies, keep an eye on your symptoms in your home. If they worsen when you’re inside, there is probably a concentrated amount of allergens circulating in your home.
This is especially important for people who already have respiratory vulnerabilities like asthma or COPD. Prolonged exposure to allergens can lead to respiratory irritation and illness.
High Humidity Levels
One of the most important air quality issues that we’re very familiar with is humidity levels. Houston is a very humid area, and humidity is just as important to regulate in your home as temperature. Failing heaters may slack on their dehumidification duties, leaving your home warm, but clammy inside. Not only can this be uncomfortable, but high levels of moisture in the air can damage your home, furniture and more. If you are struggling with the humidity, consider having an expert check out your heating system!
Lingering Home Smells
One sign of poor IAQ that many homeowners may not think of is lingering smells. Whether it be a completely foreign odor or the lingering scents from the meal you just cooked, your air shouldn’t be permeated with smells for hours on end. This is a sign that your filters and filtration process are failing. This issue may not be a threat to your health, but it’s inconvenient, and we want to make your experience with your heating system completely hassle-free.
Your Heater Installation Team
Air Tech of Houston AC & Plumbing has installed countless heating units throughout the Houston area. We know a thing or two about heater replacements, and you can trust us to diagnose your failing system accurately. If you’re in need of a heater replacement, call on the team that has your back!